Spring 2024 Love Your Park Day of Service
It’s time to LOVE YOUR PARK!
Please join the friends and neighbors of Cloverly Park on Saturday, May 11 from 10am to 1pm as we prepare the park for the summer season.
We will be gathering storm debris, weeding and mulching around our young trees and in the garden beds, removing invasive vines, spreading wood chips under the play equipment, and collecting litter.
Bring your own work gloves and a friend or neighbor.
Love Your Park Day of Service at Cloverly Park
Please save the date and plan to join us as we ready the park for a winter rest. All attendees will need to register on the Philadelphia Parks and REc Love Your Park website
Cloverly Park Love Your Park Day of Service
t's time to LOVE YOUR PARK!
Please join the friends and neighbors of Cloverly Park on Saturday, May 20 from 10am to 1pm as we prepare the park for the summer season.
We will be gathering storm debris, weeding and mulching around our young trees and in the garden beds, removing invasive vines, spreading wood chips under the play equipment, and collecting litter.
Bring your own work gloves and a friend or neighbor.
Register here: 2023 Love Your Park Day of Service at Cloverly Park
2022 Love Your Park Work Day at Cloverly Park
Please join the Cloverly Park's friends and neighbors on Saturday, May 14, from 10am to 1pm as we prepare the park for the summer season! We have lots of storm debris to clear, litter to pick up, weeds to pull, and mulch to spread. Parks & Recreation continues to cap participation at 25 volunteers, and advance registration is required (please use this link to register: Love Your Park Week). We hope to see you in the park!
Join the Friends of Cloverly Park as we prepare our two-acre park for its winter sleep and spring bloom. We will be gathering storm debris, raking leaves from the sidewalks surrounding the park, removing invasive vines, and mulching.
Per COVID restrictions, only 25 participants are allowed and registration is required.
Register at this link, scroll down to Cloverly Park
Philadelphia's parks will hold in-person Love Your Park clean-ups during Love Your Park Week, which is managed by the Fairmount Park Conservancy. HOWEVER, as a public health measure, the number of participants must be restricted, all participants must be masked, and every volunteer (even the organizers!) must register through the Fairmount Park Conservancy.
Cloverly Park's Love Your Park clean-up will be on Saturday, May 8, from 10am to 1pm (rain date May15). We will be collecting storm debris, weeding, trying to get ahead of the invasive vines, and picking up litter in and around the park. We hope that you can join us for some or all of the day.
Registration is open. If you can commit to attending, please register as soon as possible as participation will be capped. Please use this link:
Fall "Love Your Park" Work Day
It's time to Love Your Park! Please join Cloverly Park's friends and neighbors on Saturday, November 16, 10am to 1pm as we prepare the park for its winter sleep.
Friends of Cloverly Park/Old Tennis Court Farm Plant Sale
Location: Old Tennis Court Farm, 5407 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144 (next to Cloverly Park)
See details and available plants
Love Your Park Spring Servce Day at Cloverly Park
Join the Friends of Cloverly Park as we get our beautiful two-acre park in Germantown ready for summer. All ages are welcome as we remove trash, litter, and storm debris; clear invasive growth, care for our trees, and prepare the play areas.
Love Your Park Fall Service Day at Cloverly Park
Join us as we prepare Cloverly Park for a winter’s sleep. Our main task for the day is clearing invasive plants and vines.
Love Your Park Fall Service Day is a city-wide event.
Community Gardens Day at Old Tennis Court Farm
The Old Tennis Court Farm is proud to be preserved by Neighborhood Gardens Trust, Philadelphia's neighborhood garden protector. Come visit the Old Tennis Court Farm and the explore the food, flowers and community we cultivate on Community Gardens Day.
Rain date June 17
Spring Love Your Park Service Day at Cloverly Park
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28, 10am to 1pm, to give a little neighborly love to Cloverly Park.
Please join your neighbors and park friends on April 28 as we clear the accumulated storm debris, tend the park’s young trees, and prepare the gardens and play areas for summer. There are plenty of tasks for hands of all ages and abilities.
We know that weekends are precious time for family, friends, chores, and worship, and we appreciate those who make the effort to come out on these special service days, when having many hands makes certain tasks easier, even possible.
So please plan to come out and join us! We will supply work gloves, tools, water and snacks. Bring yourselves and a neighbor or friend!
Love Your Park Fall Work Day
We are getting Cloverly Park's trees and gardens ready for a long winter's sleep. Join us as we plant a tree, clean up, weed, prune and trim, remove vines, and spread mulch. All ages and abilities welcome! We will provide refreshments and work gloves.
Undergrowth removal for katsura tree
Before the arborist begins the work on our elderly katsura, we need to clear the large area underneath. The growth is robbing this shallow-rooted tree of moisture. Read more
We will meet at 9:30am on Saturday, July 29, and would hope to finish by 11:30am. (The more hands we have the sooner we will finish.) All ages and abilities welcome: we will be pulling plants and bagging them up for Parks & Rec to compost. We will work rain or shine.
If you can join us, please let us know by Tuesday July 25.
Love Your Park Spring Service Day and Plant Sale
Come out from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to help us care for the park you enjoy.
Bring your work gloves and a friend!
The Plant Sale will be from 12 noon to 3 p.m
Philadelphia’s Love Your Park Week is May 13 – May 21, 2017
Love Your Park Fall Service Day 2016
Join us as we prepare Cloverly for its winter sleep and spring bloom. Our main tasks will be weeding and mulching the “Pathway Garden” off the School House Lane entrance, weeding around our young trees, and clearing out litter and debris.
To sign up, go to our contact page or register at Love Your Park.
Germantown Yard Sale / Friends of Vernon Park Bazaar
Germantown Yard Sale / Friends of Vernon Park Bazaar
During the Friends of Vernon Park Bazaar, the first Annual Germantown Yard Sale will benefit the Old Tennis Court Farm Protection Project.
Yes, we are on for tomorrow October 8! Bring your umbrella and join the fun!