Falling in Love (with your park)

Many thanks to those friends and neighbors who came out for the fall Love Your Park service day on Saturday!

Among them were our newest neighbors, Charter Court's new owners and management team, who joined long-time employees and residents to work alongside us.

Fueled by hot cider, coffee, and donuts provided by Charter Court, we planted daffodil and crocus bulbs around the dogwood trees along Wissahickon Avenue, cleared the "Pathway" garden of weeds and overgrowth, removed vines and other invasives from the entire south border of the park, tended the trees, removed storm debris and litter, made some repairs, and raked up leaves. The enormous amount of organic matter that was assembled will come back to us as mulch, thanks to the special pick-up that Parks & Recreation ran on Saturday.

Weekends are precious time for family, friends, chores, and worship, and we appreciate those who make the effort to come out on these special service days, when having many hands makes certain tasks easier, even possible.

But keeping Cloverly's two acres beautiful requires near-daily attention. We know there are many who, as a matter of course, pick up trash and litter in and around the park, move fallen branches to the main entrance for pick-up, or even tend a section of the gardens.

Thank you to all who help keep Cloverly a beautiful neighborhood asset.