The Old Tennis Court Farm is Open for the Summer 2017 Season!

We have wonderful news to share:  Germantown Friends School, the current owner of the Old Tennis Court Farm property and our partner Neighborhood Gardens Trust, have entered into a license agreement allowing the Old Tennis Court Farm to operate once again.  This means that while the sale process from GFS to Natural Lands Trust continues, the garden will function.
But first, we need to clear away nearly 20 months of overgrowth, rev up the solar-powered pump and irrigation system, and make some repairs.
And for that we need YOU.
You can help four ways:
1. Come out to the garden and help clear the plots and the surrounding area.
Our first service day will be Saturday, May 20, from 9am to 2pm. We will host a day of reclamation work as part of Cloverly Park’s Love Your Park day of service. Whether you can help for one hour or three, please join us.
2. Purchase perennials at the Friends of Cloverly Park Plant Sale on Saturday, May 20, from 12 noon to 3pm.
3. Contribute to the Old Tennis Court Farm Protection Project as we complete the purchase and begin to address deferred maintenance at the site. Go to
4.  Become a member of the Old Tennis Court Farm gardener community.  More information at: