Bare spot that needs to be filled in your garden? Inspired by the spring blooms around the neighborhood? Don’t wait until next year! Stop by the Old Tennis Court Farm on Saturday, June 15, from 10am to 2pm and choose from the perennials and shrubs raised by the members of the Friends of Cloverly Park and Old Tennis Court Farm. Proceeds support the maintenance of these green spaces in West Germantown.
Perennials include bleeding heart, comfry, coral bells (red, green), daylilies, euphorbia, perennial geranium, hosta, iris, Lenten rose, liriope, monarda (bee balm), tall garden phlox, turtle heads, variegated Solomon’s Seal.
Shrubs include azalea, styrax, trifoliate orange, kerria.
The sale is part of Neighborhood Gardens Trust’s citywide Community Gardens Day.